Check out this brand new hat I got from, its two-ply comforter will totally keep me warm in the winter months, and it only cost €14 (About $21 for you guys). I hope it'll do all that the website says! The site might be down since its so popular but you might want to keep checking!
Ooh, it looks so cool, and it's a good price, too! I want one. :o
You might call it a hat-amari :)
lol You hope the hat does everything the web site says? What does it say? Each bulb is a pocket to store nuts and if you insert a quarter it allows for the wear's levitation? lol... that would be one kick ass hat. GToo bad winter is over, that two-ply can't save you now!
haha But yeah that's one awesome looking hat you ordered there. You should post a picture up of you wearing it.
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